
Ary Djmal

I'm a software developer from Miami, FL. My passion is to build elegant solutions.

Check out my code on github.

The Company

I am the founder of Natural Bits, a talented company that builds web & mobile apps.

My Latests Old Posts

Bypass ActiveRecord When Using Big Sets For Fast Response Times in Rails 3 & Ruby 1.9.2 If you need to work with big sets (in my case 1,000 records) ActiveRecord is slow. And so is calling to_json to that collection. This is my work...

cocos2d Tip: Opacity, CCFadeOut, & CCFadeTo When using opacity and want to fade out, use fade to! Using fade out it will reset the opacity and then fade it out... so a fade to opacity 0, w...

cocos2d: Layer That Swallows Touches So you want to add a layer with a few buttons and you don't want to propagate the touches to the layers below. Easy, just stick the following in...

Cache Single ActiveRecord Objects with model_cached! I've just released a very simple Rails plugin that gives you the ability to transparently cache single active record objects using memcached. Th...

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